Performing Live in Concert

Do you have what it takes to perform live in concert? It is simple really: you need to have the knowledge, as well as talent and equipment. Generally, bands gather by their interest in music as well as performing. A few issues will deserve your attention, before you can get the attention you deserve. Here you will find a few ideas and helpful advice while performing as a band.

You will require the talent for singing or playing an instrument. However, there are productive band members who only sing or only play an instrument. The characters in your band will depend on the people included in the band. Once you have the band staffed you will need a few more items, such as a microphones and microphone stands, cables, speakers, monitors, an assortment of jacks, you power mixer and guitar stands as well as any other instrument or prop you band may personally require for live performance. Keep in mind, however, that one essential aspect of successfully performing live in concert is the need for practice, since we all know that practice makes perfect.

Practice and determination for creating and performing your music in concert are only part of successful live band performance. One of the most important characteristics of a live band is knowledge of how to work the crowd. If it comes natural to you, then just go with the flow. However, if it makes you a little nervous to interact with the audience, you will need to learn how to do so. It is easy really, but first you have to relax within your own self. Think of the audience as hundreds of your very best friends gathered in one place, only you and your band have the microphones.

If performing comes natural to you, this is great, just work up some witty introductions, comments and banter to work into your live performance. You must get the audience involved and enjoying their time with you. If you are a bit more shy or nervous, sit down and write up creative and witty conversation to share with your fans. Then practice this commentary on your friends and family, however, you do not want to sound too rehearsed as you want your comments to feel fresh to those you are entertaining. You just want to create an air of fun and enjoyment for you and your audience.

Ideas for entertaining your live audience

- Have fun enjoy yourself.
- Tell the audience a funny story or joke.
- Perform the music of others, only in your own rendition of the music. If you need permission, then get permission before performing the music of anyone else.
- Let the whole band in on entertaining your live audience, bantering back and forth while cheerfully having a good time. However, stay away from any true personal comments.
- Introduce your band members and let them have the spotlight for a few minutes.
- Audience participation is always a winner, so interact with your live audience.
- Create a personal signature move for your band, and soon your audience will be making the same signature move.
- Be spontaneous and natural, just be your entertaining self.

Promoting your concerts will take time and you will need help, therefore when working with a band, delegate different duties to different members when promoting your band. Some ways to promote your band would be the use of several ideas below.

- Posters and Flyers
- Promotional materials from the manager
- Promotional material for radio stations, such as sound clips and song samples
- Create a website featuring your band, and then promote your concerts online
- Perform free while passing out your bands CD or tee shirts.

Remember, to be truly successful, you must get out there and let the public know your performing live in concert. Once you have your equipment and a set of songs to sing, you will need to promote your band. You will require a public location such as county fairs, school dances, restaurants, churches, a skating rink or perhaps a nightclub that features the type of music you play.

Any location that features an open mic night are generally a good bet. The point is to get out there and let the public know that you are available. Once you have begun your bands performance, it will not be long before you have adoring fans, waiting on batted breath to hear your newest release. Then like the pink battery bunny, you just keep going, and going and going. Keep up the good work, practice and remember to smile. Love your audience and they will love you in return!

About the Author:

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for musicians at all stages of their development.

Article Source: - Performing Live in Concert

Musician, Music, Band, Live Performance, Performing, Performing Live, Play In A Band