Oops I Did it Again

I'm not a fan but Britney seems to be coping a lot of flack for her parenting or lack of parenting skills. Is the girl that bad or is her profile just alerting us to the lifestyles many secretely live but hide from the world.

Mothers leaving kids in car parks while they play the pokies in the casino. Fathers shaking their babies so violently it leaves them hospitalised. The lenghts of cruelty that some parents bestow upon their own flesh and blood is sickening. It would seem very little is done by the authorities in these cases. Courts are full of drug riddled mothers winning custody of offspring due to some antiquated notion that a child should be with their mother.

I'm sure that if a camera was on each and every parent there would be numerous cases of children sitting on their parents lap while taking a drive. Moments where it would look like the baby was going to slip as the mother juggled the other 2 kids and a shopping cart. Countless undocumented accidents in local shopping centre carparks. How many kids are left with the grandparents or rented baby sitters while parents go out on the town?

There are 24 hours in a day, are we getting to see a balanced slice of the Britney pie? How many stories could a body guard tell if they lived in your house? How many upskirt photos would reveal knickerless maidens going about their daily business?

How many magazines would sell with pictures of Britney wearing her grandmothers underwear? I do not think Britney is the ideal example of motherhood but I could show you a hundred worse examples in your local shopping mall!

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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Oops I Did it Again

Music, Drugs, Alcohol, Britney Spears, Britney, Spears